This site exists to help you, the user, take back control of your data.
Why Should You Care?
No service lasts forever and no business contemplates their own end. When businesses start failing, the last thing they're worried about is making sure their users have a chance to download their data.
Time and time again we've seen websites suddenly shutdown overnight permanently deleting user data. It's easy to just rely on Google services to store all your emails, calendar events, and photos, but what happens when they have a service outage? Or decide to kill your favorite service? It is imperative that you save copies of your data and take back control of your digital life. Sites lose data over time (see MySpace) and cannot be relied on to provide availability forever.
Your data is much more valuable to you than to the corporations that store it for you. The only way to truly own your data is to have a local copy under your control.
The best time to backup your shit is right now.